You should contact the Museum of Army Transport in Beverly, Yorkshire, UK -
this museum did close but has now reopened - they have an extensive archive
relating to British MV's - their phone number is + 44 1482 860445 - they
will research your vehicle for you at a cost - though I believe this is
fairly minimal - phone them to find out. You will need Chassis number at
Depending upon where you are... I know of a matador wreck in
Buckinghamshire, UK which may provide parts... I dont know who owns it - its
now very firmly part of the hedge... has remains of cab, seats, chassis,
engine and power train and a few other bits... let me know if you are close
enough to take a look and I can provide you with the exact location - I also
have the chassis and engine numbers for this wreck somewhere on record.
It is not guaranteed that they will have records for your vehicle as a lot
of records were destroyed after the war.
Best of Luck
Tim Bell
MVT 6555
Bletchley Park MT Section
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