Re: [MV] Jumpstart

Richard Notton (
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 05:31:37 +0100

-----Original Message-----
From: Hayes-Holgate, Shaun <>
To: '' <>
Date: 13 April 1998 18:56
Subject: [MV] Jumpstart

>I've often wondered what i'd do if i needed a jumpstart for my 24 volt
>m-43 from a
>regular 12 volt it possible without damaging anything? and
>how would
>i hook up the jumper cables? thanx.

Hi Listers,

Yes it is possible; with very great care.

Be absolutely sure you know the polarity of the charging vehicle battery and
the 24V pair. Ensure the 24V vehicle is all off and preferably by an main
breaker or isolator.

Double check that there is no chassis contact between the two vehicles and
just charge each 12V battery in the 24V vehicle in turn individually in the
regular way + to + and - to - , do not ever, even if flat, put the 24V
system directly across the 12V vehicle.

Do NOT attempt to crank the dead vehicle whilst giving the batteries a quick
boost and disconnect the jumpers before making the isolator.

This is essentially the same as using a mains trickle charger on each
battery separately except you get a far higher charge rate from a vehicle

If you're not absolutely sure and confident what to do then don't.

(Southampton UK)

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