REPEAT: Move this to a firearms list/group (was Re: [MV] MG tax)

MV List Admin (
Tue, 16 Jun 98 16:03:04 -0700

Mil-Veh list members, I repeat:

Now that the this issue has been covered, move the discussion on
taxes and fees for Class III ownership to a firearms-related list
or newsgroup, either rec.guns or a Class III list. Do NOT post
non-MV followups to the mil-veh list.

For those few of you who have trouble understanding this, use this
rule of thumb to determine if your question or comment is appropriate.
If it directly deals with a vehicle ("What type of mount do I need
for my 1919 A4 on vehicle X") then it will likely be appropriate
for the list. But if your question doesn't directly relate ("Where
can I get a bolt for my ABC rifle?" or "How do I detail strip a
ZYX?") then it does NOT belong on the list. Requests for general
militaria (uniforms, medals, boots, and so on) are not generally
appropriate (try alt.military.collecting first) because, again,
they are not directly related to the vehicles themselves. If you
are creating a display and exhaust all other resources, then ask

Use your common sense. Don't discuss non-military vehicles here,
and use firearms newsgroups and mailing lists for strictly firearms

--Arthur Kyle, mil-veh list admin <>
Please do NOT quote my whole message back to me when replying

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