Re: [MV] Radials on Splits/Tubes

ET Lance-Gómez (
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 19:32:16 -0500

Well, I'm not going to put on my hair shirt and reply to the tone of your

However, for clarity. The rim doesn't split. What happens is that the lock
ring is not firmly seated in the wheel. This causes the lock ring to fly
out along with tube and tire. The wheel goes the other way (Newton's 1st
law). If the chain is tight on the rim, then nothing every departs.

All I can say, is been there, done that. I carefully clean all parts and
seat the lock ring very well. The only time I would care to pay $$ (and $10
is cheap), is when I can't get the darn thing apart in the 1st place

Bruce O'Brien wrote:

> There is a correct way to do this. A steel cage is made into which the
> tire and split rim are placed after they are properly assembled and
> before any attempts are made to inflate the tire. Rope, chains, cables
> and locks turn into shrapnel when the rim splits. Then you die. If you
> can't afford the proper safety equipment and your life isn't worth the
> $10 or less that it would take to hire a professional to do it correctly
> at least pay up your life insurance policy so your survivors won't be
> too inconvenienced by your demise. This also applies to split rims that
> you are just airing up if they were allowed to get so low that the
> integrity of the rim assembly is in question.
> Seen enough of that in the ER.
> B O'Brien MD
> Emergency Physician
> m274
> m105
> m35a2

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