> I recently saw a watercooled motor with a 'DAF' emblem on it. The
> person who had it told me it was possibly used to help launch the
> V-2 rockets in some way or was part of the equipment that was with
> a V-2. The motor had what appeared to be a date of 1939 on it also.
> Something like 39-51-1XXXX was the serial number.
> Any further ideas or information about this would be helpful.
Well, I don't have much information on the full range of apparatus
used to launch the A-4 ( aka the V-2, or Vengeance weapon 2 ). Given
the relative hodge-podge of equipment used by the time V-2s were deployed
into action, there is no telling. Heck, even milk cans were used to
transport fuel. As it pertains to vehicles, of course lorries were
used to pull the launch rail/rocket transport trailer and at least
in one case, the chassis of a Bussing-NAG HKp 902 half-track SP gun
was turned into an armored command post for launching the V-2. The
engine was a Maybach HL45. Also, the Feurleitpanzerfahrzeug fur V-2
Raketen auf Zugkraftwagen 8t, the very long winded name for a series
of armored command/launching post for the rocket based on the Zgkw
8t half-track chassis were developed, the vehicle towing a special
launch trailer for the rocket called the "Bodenplatte". The engine
for the Zgkw 8t was the Maybach HL62TUK.
Should I come across anything else, I'll pass it along.
- Ed
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