Re: RE [MV] Ford V8 distributor tuning

Dave Cole (
Sat, 8 Aug 1998 02:31:51 -0400

Message text written by "Richard Notton"
>In essence one set of points opens early but the others are still closed=

allowing the field to build up, then the second set open causing the spar=
and the first set then close again before them extending the dwell time.

According to the trigonometry in this sheet a single set of points would =
closed for only 22.5 degrees, whereas using the twin points a dwell angle=

36 degrees is obtained, this is achieved by the 22.5 degree closure of ea=
set with a 9 degree overlap where the spark occurs.<

Your description makes sense. I believe that's the same reasoning used f=
dual point distributors on High Perf race engines, but most "newer" dual
point distributors have the position between the point sets fixed so that=

this overlap is built in and not adjustable. Then all you have to worry
about is point gap, overall dwell time, and timing. =

I can see that if this distributor is buried behind the fan and between t=
belt that accurately setting this on the move would be impossible. My Fo=
9N tractor with a 4cyl flathead engine has a similar configuration, the
distributor is driven off the front of the camshaft. Fortunately the
timing is fixed and since it tops out at about 2000 rpm a simple setting =
the point gap is all that is required. =

So do all old Ford flathead V8s use the same front mounted distributor
configuration with dual points? =

Thanks for the info.


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