> Jim Rice <jimrice@iamerica.net> wrote:
> =
> > > I aquired a GPW engine yesterday. [...] The engine # is GPW 99560.
> [...]
> > Now finding a GPW engine is by no means a rare find. The fact that I=
> > looking for a GPW engine to replace my '47 CJ-2A engine is not rare
> > either. What is rare is that my GPW frame serial number is GPW 99560=
> [...]
> > So which odds are greater? This or winning the Power Ball Lottery?
> =
2'500'000.- US$ get you not moving...or not hard to find same# No GPW
Engine as your # No GPW frame...
Congratulations and good luck for the Power Ball Lottery!
Regards from Switzerland
#6629 GPW (with #500'075 GPW Engine, with a plate "rebuilt in
Stuttgart,Germany, by Mercedes-Benz, 4/54, for US Gvt, a plate like the
plates of all Mercedes-Benz cars...) =
PS: O.C, I'm looking for #6629 GPW Engine...Hard to fine!
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