[MV] [Fwd: cletrac BD]
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 21:09:55 -0500
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I was preparing to do some work on my '45 cletrac BD. I was removing
some of the paint, and after the top coat of cletrac orange I ran into
about 2 coats of highway yellow and to my surprise the original base
coat is good old army green, Olive drab. I checked several places on the
fuel tank and frame and all have this base color. I know cletrac
manufactured some crawlers for the army but could this be one or is this
just a coincidence as to a colored primer? I have seen a photo in the
cletrac/oliver crawler archives that looks like a BD or BG but I can't
be sure of the picture. Does anyone know whether or not these were ever
used by the army, or army air corp? I might have to rethink the color
for this.
Rick Roberts
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