They are pretty rare. There was one at Tobbyhanna in pristine condition. I have
seen a picture of one in Europe, and next weekend I will (hopefully) be trying
to buy one a couple hundred miles from where I live.
The Xfer case might be a problem as I recall it is different from the std CCKW
Timken axle xfer. The AFKX has a 1:1 ratio in high range, the CCKW has 1:.79
The tranny is std 40's Chevy of the non-mil version as opposed to the later std
Chev 4x4 of WW2 that had the different gear ration for mil use only. The rear
end (housing) is specific to that vehicle because it is Timken with attached
leaf springs.
The engine is smaller than a CCKW. It is a 248 cid as I recall. Being an
updraft carb system, I have no idea where you could find an exhaust manifold or
intake should you need one. The civy GMC of that period should work, but how
many of them do you see in a junk yard...?
Hope his helps
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