I have been considering buying a 2 1/2 ton truck for quite a while so I
have asked a lot of questions regarding 2 1/2 tonners on this list. From=
what I have been able to gather, the 2 1/2 ton truck M series were quite=
well designed for what they were to do. Which was to drag a large amount=
of equipment/troops over all kinds of terrain and roads. The earlier ga=
units had features that you'd expect from an earlier truck except for the=
Automatic trannies in the M135 and M211's while the later multifuels ha=
newer features. One thing I have realized is that these trucks are
designed to take considerable punishment while receiving good maintenance=
=2E =
They are for the most part over designed compared to civilian trucks.
For instance, in the LD465 Multifuel diesels, there are 7 main bearings
supporting the crankshaft. According the guy at a major diesel engine
shop here in town that is unusual. =
Most "Monster" trucks use 2 1/2 ton axles with 4 ft or larger tires.
I just bought a 5 Ton M51 dump truck and I surveyed it closely before
buying it. I can tell you that the frame and mechanicals rival Civilian
trucks with a much higher rating. I have found very few comments on this=
list and elsewhere where a 2 1/2 ton truck has experienced major failures=
of any component. (An exception seems to be the automatic trans used in
the M211). Other than that, it seems that if you can get one of these
trucks in decent shape and keep it from rusting and provide decent
maintenance, they will run for a very long time without chronic problems.=
In my opinion the 2 1/2 ton M series is one of the most
undervalued/underutilized truck values in the market today. I think that=
the mystique of the military designations and the NDT tires scare away a
lot of people. In some cases the government is almost giving these truck=
away and I'm sure that a lot of them are heading directly to the scrap
Good Luck,
Message text written by "Jack Hart"
>Hello MV listmembers.
I've been reading the archives for some time and just joined the list. I'=
like to know if there are any specific things to look for when checking o=
a M35. I've seen some 1970-ish ones for sale and
wonder if there are any chronic problems they might have. Hope to do a
little bit of tire kicking in the next few months. Also interested in the=
M37 and have seen some real beauties at a couple of the
local MV shows.
Jack Hart, Connecticut<
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