Re: [MV] So what's the difference?

Douglas Greville (
Wed, 11 Nov 1998 16:09:01 +1030

Joe Foley wrote:
> What's the difference between the V-41 and the H-201? And does anyone
> have an H-201 for sale?

Just what the heck is a V-41 or a H-201?

V in the US Army normally designates a radio accessory?
H in the US Army normally designates a headset?

If you are going to send a message to 500 people on Mil-Veh-list then
I don't think it hurts to let everyone who gets it, know just what you
are talking about!


Armoured Vehicles Collector
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/ [___] [___] \ Douglas Greville _/[o]___\_
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M8 Ferret

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