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Subject: Re: [MV] Max. torque and hp rating T-98 tranny?
Author: rhaarsma@email.com at internet
Date: 12/15/98 9:46 AM
---- On Dec 15 Stephen Somers <stephen.somers@virgin.net> wrote:
> I expect you have checked this already, but watch the max output revs of
> the diesel engine. It sometimes happens that they cannot turn fast enough
> to give you a decent top road speed. Converting to diesel often means
> changing up the transmission and axles to higher gearing, which
> significantly increases the torque strain on the gearbox.
> Just a thought.
> --
> Steve Somers (Project Leader)
Yes, I did think a lot about that problem and here is my solution:
The Diesel runs at 1800 RPM, the gas at 2900, so I need a 0,62:1 extra ratio
somewhere between engine and road.
(RPM at 80Km/h, 50MPH)
Tranny: Max 1:1 ,new tranny also 1:1
Transfer box: Low/4WD: 1:1,74 High/2WD: 1:1, cannot change ratio's
Diffs: 7,2:1, cannot find other ratio's
Wheels: 1100-20, cannot mount larger ones.
Take a 2nd transfer box and mount it reversed onto the existing transfer box and
make the rear driveshaft a bit shorter. The 2nd transfer box is placed in Low
gear, but since the power is put on the "other" side of the box, the box acts as
an excellerator with 1/1,74 = 0,57 ratio!
I figured it out and it will fit!
By only putting the 2nd transfer box in Low (= in fact extra High) when already
in 4th gear on the highway, we have a super-overdrive.
The only two drawbacks I can find is: Is the current tranny strong enough for
twice the torque? and: Dont put the current transfer box in Low (=4WD) and the
2nd box in "Super High", the rear wheels will turn 1,74 times faster than the
front wheels and something will break! (the most expensive part-I guess)
The extra loss of energy in the 2nd tranny is not a big problem, I am not going
to drive a million miles.
Richard (leading the above described project)
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