Bobby Joe Pendleton II
1953 GMC XM211
East TN
MVPA 17657
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Andersen <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, 22 December, 1998 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] re: M1010 de-mil
>> "Safety is directly proportional to the sanity of the loose nut behind
>> wheel. An M151 driven with some regard to its limits is far safer than
>> most over-engineered Volvo or Mercedes."
>You couldn't be more correct! This is my point why the government is
>with safety. SAFETY FOR THE PUBLIC. I laugh out load when many threads here
>what they can do to get their duece and a half to do 80 MPH on the highway!
>you ask most people who drive their MVs on the highway if they have ever
>stretched the limits on their vehicles, they will tell you yes. Many
>cannot keep up with the speeds of today and many others do not even have
>directional signals. Many times if the vehicle's speed limitations are
>through the use of larger tires or gear sets, then the braking limitations
>exceeded. Again whether you believe it or not, safety is an important
issue. Your
>comparison of a M151's safety with regards to a Volvo or Mercedes is more
>just horse feathers!
>Does anybody have any other possible reasons except for a government plot
to make
>MV collectors unhappy?
>Steve Andersen (loose nut)
>1943 - WC-57 (with no directional signals and 4.89s)
>Have a SAFE Christmas! : >
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