Re: [MV] Import of Military Vehicles

Carl Konefsky (
Sun, 28 Feb 1999 08:47:16 -0600

Well I just said the same thing I another email I belong to one of those Ham
Radio groups so I know what you are talking about TThe Emergency Management
Team here has a duce and half and a couple M880's which of course were given
to them.As collectors we also should have the right to this stuff after all
we paid for it in the first place

KBDewey 42GPW wrote:

> Felony to possess more than 30 days food? Where do u guys come up with
> this stuff? I believe it is a requirement of members of the Mormon
> Church to maintain a years supply of food stuffs at all times. They even
> have caneries. They would never allow the US Gov to get a way with such
> a law. Especially in lite of earth quake preparedness.
> Before we run off and rant and rave do you think we should come up with
> a plan? 1) A logical reason to have MV's? The benefits to the geneal
> public, etc. 2) Why should the gov continue to allow us to have them?
> Like self preparedness (The ham radio groups, for instance, are set up
> to provide emergency radio comunications). 3) A list of names, phone
> numbers and e-mails that we can bombard and tie into a knot about this.
> Let's brain storm this a little than go on the offensive. A good defense
> is a better offensive - works in chess - works in war and as far as I am
> concerned the US Gov Politicans have never been my friend and can never
> be trusted. Some of them are like a cat
> faithful to the better food dish. Dirt Man
> ===
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