KBDewey 42GPW wrote:
> Felony to possess more than 30 days food? Where do u guys come up with
> this stuff? I believe it is a requirement of members of the Mormon
> Church to maintain a years supply of food stuffs at all times. They even
> have caneries. They would never allow the US Gov to get a way with such
> a law. Especially in lite of earth quake preparedness.
> Before we run off and rant and rave do you think we should come up with
> a plan? 1) A logical reason to have MV's? The benefits to the geneal
> public, etc. 2) Why should the gov continue to allow us to have them?
> Like self preparedness (The ham radio groups, for instance, are set up
> to provide emergency radio comunications). 3) A list of names, phone
> numbers and e-mails that we can bombard and tie into a knot about this.
> Let's brain storm this a little than go on the offensive. A good defense
> is a better offensive - works in chess - works in war and as far as I am
> concerned the US Gov Politicans have never been my friend and can never
> be trusted. Some of them are like a cat
> faithful to the better food dish. Dirt Man
> ===
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