> From: James Burrill <jburrill@dttus.com>
> To: Mil-Veh@skylee.com; Dilliard@aol.com
> Subject: Re[2]: [MV] Import of Military Vehicles
> Date: Sunday, February 28, 1999 9:57 AM
> Hi Bob, and list.
> While a law about food is off topic, the thread is still germain as
> relates to laws that affect our MV hobby. Basically, the current
> administration promoting laws, or worse yet, "policies" that
> our possession or procurement of hardware that allows us some
> of personal independace, and not depenadant on the Government to do
> for us.
> You know and I know that there are so few MV hobbyests nationwide
> the wherwithal to own armour modern enough to go toe to toe with
> the National Guard. When someone imports a Marmon-Herrington
> car, or a White scout car or a Sherman tank, we know we aren't going
> to form an army and start a civil war like some books or movies
> have it. (one weekend warrior with a LAWS would end your 50 grand
> investment)
> We aren't the problem!
> I personally believe it is just a hold over from the '60 anti war
> movement. That is to say, the draft card burners and the people who
> spit on GIs are now your legislators, corperate CEOs and lawyers.
> formed their "world view" during their college years and take it as
> natural that anything military is inherently "evil". So, if you
> your own money to buy something military, you are suspect. And it
> follows that their first words are" their is no reason you should
> a _________. (fill in tank, assult gun, bayonet, cammo clothing etc)
> I do not suscribe to the danger coming from a "conspiricy", no "New
> World Order", no NAFTA disarmament, no "3 old Jewish guys living in
> Geneva who secretly own the world", no "Mason/Knights Templer
> Conspiracy".......just a generation of politicos who hopped on an
> anti-military bandwagon in their youth and never got off it.
> Now about this 30 day food supply law. What state. What Title and
> and was it just introduced or did it pass? and if Passed, when?
> With the Y2k thing coming, I am sure papers such as Time and
> would love to do a story on the "government's"stupidity.
> If someone can pin down the details of this "law", let me know...
> send the story in myself.
> Jim
> ===
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