-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, March 04, 1999 5:42 PM
Subject: [MV] Public Use of MV's
>Ladies and Gentlemen of the List,
>I have been following the comments concerning the ban on importation of
MV's, a
>nd today the suggestions for making your MV available to local police or
>emergency services. I would like to throw out the folloing idea that I
have be
>en pondering for list comment and to solicit indivdual interest.
>In recent years the number and scale of natural disasters ranging in impact
>m localized small towns to region wide. In many cases, the lag time
>disaster occurance and the infusion of outside aide leaves a lot of people
>in the lurch. I have seen first hand that a warm body ready to WORK rather
>n assess of advise can be of immeasureable worth compared to someone
>out low interest loan checks.
>What I would like to propose is that groups ofindividuals or local clubs
>create a core of volunteers willing to utilize their vehicles for use in
>disaster aid. Our vehicles were engineered and manufactured to function in
>adverse environments. Why not give our trucks some exercise doing what
>were meant to do? Please understand, I'm not suggesting that you take your
>museum quality 1 of12 in the world M37 dump truck and use it for gathering
>flood of tornado debris. However if your willing to take your M211 of M35
>out on a trail ride then you probably would be too scare of hauling lumber
>and suppliesor fording flood swollen streets. We have assetts that we can
>use to benefit ourselves and our neighborsif we only choose to. Howwould
>you feel watching fire crews on the new struggle with a praire firewhile
>your 6x6 water tanker sits safely in the barn?
>I realizethis idea will not have universal appeal, However I am in the
>process of finalizing things to set up a non-profit org. for just such
>task using my own trucks and whatever others I can acquire.
>Think of the positive effects news clipsof such good deeds might have on
>our hobby and public perception of mv owner's character.
>Comments, suggestions, participants?
>Brian J. Leffler
>54 M211
>52 M215
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