Maybe, but I hope not. These vehicles were born to haul people around.
Plus, riding in a Duck the old way is safer than getting up in the
morning. I bet you more tourists have died in car wrecks after leaving
tour operators' parking lots than have actually died IN the Ducks. I
just think of the ones in Boston - fully loaded all day long most every
day in the summer. No fatalities ever in them, but I personally know
quite a few people that aren't here from traffic accidents.
Perhaps they will simply have to do away with the top and require the
preservers to be worn? My guess is that nobody would have drown if these
two things had been done. As soon as I heard about the accident it came
as no surprise that so many people died. That top was probably like the
lid of a jar underwater. What a terrible way to go.
M-29c Weasel w/minor holes in hull (so I'm not going swimming!!)
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