Re: [MV] Driving in Oz

Steve Malikoff MV list account (
Thu, 20 May 1999 19:13:41 +1000 (EST)

Henry said:
> This is for the Aussies out there; what are the restrictions to driving
> in Australia with a left-hand-drive vehicle? Are there any temporary
> permits for overland travel, or is just not possible?
> A friend of mine from Venezuela wants to ship a vehicle to Australia and
> drive across (and around) for several weeks.
> Any recommendations/comments?

As far as I am aware, it is ok to bring in a LHD vehicle and drive it
around here in Oz. The catch is (which stops locals importing such vehicles)
that the vehicle must be converted to RHD within IIRC 6 months. However,
don't take my word for it without checking.
You could start with the Roads & Traffic Authority here in NSW, their website
is If you have a look at the section on Registration
and Vehicle Standards, you'll see a list of Information Sheets in PDF format.
I suggest you might start with the one labelled 'Imported Vehicles'. I have
not looked at it myself, but it's a start I hope.

As for LHD historic military vehicles, my GPW falls into the category of
'LHD vehicles used by the Australian Army prior to 1948' or something like


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