Re: [MV] MV's in Saving Private Ryan
Fred Stueve Jr. (
Sun, 20 Jun 1999 17:27:58 -0600
I'm a big Tiger tank fan (Tiger I or King Tiger). I really thought that the
props department did a really good job on the superstructure of the T-34
(?)(some kind of soviet tank anyways). I was looking really close and almost
thought that the Tiger I used in "Saving Private Ryan" was a real
one....until I got a side view of the wheels and that was the dead giveaway
that it wasn't a real one. Oh well! I realize that there are few Tigers left
so I wouldn't really expect to have seen one in the movie anyways.
Four Wheel Drive Enthusiast
1994 Jeep Cherokee
1967 Kaiser Jeep M715
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