Geoff Winnington-Ball (
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 21:27:33 -0400

Good point, Todd, but we have to make an effort to get to the general
meetings and make ourselves heard. Letter-writing works too, but not as
well. Think of this as a large corporation which is under the control of
a Board of Directors who are in it for themselves; the bottom line is
that they ARE accountable, and we have to make them so.

The world is run by politics, and populated by scumbags who spend their
lives rolling in that muck. It's no different now than it was in 1943,
and ANY armed service is rife with those self-same fools. You CAN make a
difference. Ultimately, if there are enough of you and your voices are
loud and in sync, they HAVE to listen. They have too much to lose.

Our alternative is to start another organization from scratch, but then
we start the whole game again. Our NEW organization will attract those
who think they can make a move to power... and the game goes on. We're
better off holding our PRESENT leaders accountable. MAKING them

The men we represent with our vehicles came from a time when men WERE
accountable for their actions. It's time to reinstate those values. Your
leaders in 1776 believed it, and there's no reason we shouldn't follow
in spirit. Democracy depends on it. There's always an alternative. Let's
find it.


Todd Paisley wrote:

> I'm all for changing things on the inside, but how exactly do you do this if
> the self-appointed elite can approve/disapprove who gets to run for office?
> Very difficult to change anything when they control the election process.
> If you can't get inside, you can't change these bylaws. There are a lot of
> veterans here that fought for and many who can't be here because that gave
> their lives to ensure our freedoms. They fought against this kind of
> facism. It is a sad day when an organization dedicated to the preservation
> of the vehicles these veterans used turn their backs on the very principles
> they fought against.


Geoff Winnington-Ball MAPLE LEAF UP! ==> Zephyr, Ontario, Canada ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maple Leaf Up - The Canadian Army Overseas in WW2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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