>The key to a reasonable solution is, I believe to categorize or
>classify vehicles, not only by age, but also by destination...
>WWI, WWII, Korean War, Nam, Gulf War etc...Obviously the older
>the materiel is, the lesser will it be perceived as a
>Quote-threat-Unquote. Same variations of the "threat
>perception" apply to soft-skinned vehicles versus armor...
IOW, we should all fight for the guys who want jeeps but let the guys who
want halftracks or tanks or HMMWVs fight their own battles for
"unreasonable" items? No thanks: if you're willing to sacrifice my
interests, why the hell should I fight for yours?
Sorry if this is offensive, Antoine, but you seem to be entirely too ready
to satisfy your own interests and offer others' up as sacrifices toward that
end. There are no essential differences among your categories: they are
all ex-MVs. They ALL need to be saved.
Steve Allen
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