Re: [MV] Addendum
Sean Bathrick (
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 18:07:56 -0500
I was going to try to stay out of this but I really can't. Geoff is =
absolutely correct. We will all lose our fundamental right to bear arms =
(to begin with), not because of the shootings which are happening weekly =
it seems. But because of 50 years of liberalists refusing to hold people =
accountable for their own actions. Instead of placing the blame on the =
person operating a tool, they are placing the blame onto the tool itself. =
If one looks at the Atlanta shooting, you hear everyone exclaiming to get =
guns off the street, but what of the hammer that killed his kids and wife. =
I know it seems like apples and oranges until you get to the common =
denominator, which is that they are both tools and operated by an =
individual without regard for human life. I feel it is high time for the =
pendulum to swing back. We need to stop blaming a person's actions on his =
parents spanking him as a child and hold him personally accountable and =
enact swift punishment, fitting of the crime. Let the police do their =
jobs without fear of retribution. They can't even stop a high speed chase =
in California, follow behind with the lights and try to give the innocent =
people enough warning to clear the way. I know that most aren't privy to =
what goes on here in general, and most wouldn't want to know. But a =
couple weeks back in San Diego an entire freeway was shutdown because a =
woman locked herself in a car with a gun after a road rage incident. =
After 6 hours, she got out and the police walked her over to a car and =
they left. Even the media person covering the incident couldn't believe =
that she was not thrown down and cuffed. What have we come to? I can't =
help but remember the time I spent in Saudi Arabia; anyone who was there =
probably remembers the stories of chop-chop square. Although extreme =
punishment, their crime rate is almost non-existent. Anyone remember the =
kid in Singapore that got the cane for spray painting cars. Bet he never =
picks up another can of spray paint. At any rate, this kind of government =
is permeating itself in all areas. I am also a private pilot and see what =
the FAA, NTSB and DOT are trying to do, anyone want to take a guess as to =
where General Aviation will be in 10 years. I am also a Captain in Air =
Force Reserve, sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies, =
foreign and domestic, and it seems as if the enemies are becoming much =
closer than any of us want to imagine. Anyway, I am finished, hope I =
didn't rant too much, but perhaps now is the time to stand up and let =
yourselves be known. By the way, anyone know where I might find a booster =
rebuild kit for a early M-135/211.
MVPA 14222
53 M38A1
51 M135
67 M416
>>> Geoff Winnington-Ball <> 08/10/99 02:37PM >>>
You know, I just watched a short on the TV regarding your latest
shooting incident, at the daycare centre in LA.
As long as these nutbars keep coming out of the woodwork with such
devastating regularity, you realize you guys haven't a hope in hell of
avoiding massive firearms legislation.
Here's hoping you get to keep your MVs at least...
Geoff Winnington-Ball
Zephyr, Ontario, Canada
Maple Leaf Up - The Canadian Army Overseas in WW2
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