>Yes, currently, gun ownership is protected by the second amendment. You'd
>probably be hard pressed to find anyone on this list who wants to repeal
>right (myself included). HOWEVER, as mature adults, we need to face the fact
>that the world has changed in the 200+ years since the bill of rights was
How is that.......Despots have killed more people in this century than any
other.....mostly in countries where guns were outlawed..or severly
Yes, I know that some of you feel that everything dealing with the
>constitution is black and white, but if that were the case, why the need for
>us to have amended it 27 times? Lets not make the assumption that those
>patriots who drafted that great document were anything more than human.
Read the Federalist papers...and send me some mail about it....it will
change your mind........the written words of the framers....you will
see....so true today..it is kinda scary....
>There is no way they could have foreseen what 20th/21st century America
Really.....like a cesspool of drug activity...no moral
absolutes.......prayer in school abandoned.......ect......
Some of them didn't even have the foresight to see that owning
>another human was wrong. Hell, we had to amend the constitution just to give
>over half the population the right to vote, and again to give draft age men
>the right to vote.
>Bottom line is there need to be a multi-prong approach to the crisis of gun
>violence in our country. Yes, we need to enforce the existing laws, but any
>mature adult would have to agree that if mandatory back ground checks and
>waiting periods save even one innocent life, it has to be worth it.
So background checks for deadly products...Hummm..lets see...cars,
knives...hammers.....you know...more people are killed in assaults by fists
and feet than handguns........??????..FBI info,,,,not mine!
What about one taken when deprived of basic protection....being threatened
is very serious..tell that to a woman battered and threatened...and killed
by a spouse...HAS HAPPENED plenty of time....waiting periods...right!
What if
>the life saved it that of one of your family members?
>I'm sure that that many will respond that I'm a worthless godless heathen
>who, like Antoine, should pack his bags and go to another country.
Not at all...this country has a bill of rights...you can say and believe
anything you want...and my gun will defend that right...can you suggest
another way to defend it....from despots....who would have you disappear......
But before
>sending the hate mail, consider a few things: Does your right to immediate
>gratification supersede the rights of all of us to live in a safer society?
Gratification?????????How will you be safer......and who will regulate
that.......the best gun free society in the world was a camp......for
Jews , rounded up as defenseless people......and exterminated......
>Does owning a gun really make the average household safer?
It does in mine......knock my door down some nite or day and see......
Anyone have
>statistics on the chances of being a victim of violent crime versus the rate
>of gun owning families sustaining accidental death or injury from their own
>guns (including those used by criminals who find them before you get to
Kinda like possibly being killed in a car accident......more likely if you
own and drive a car......than if you don't??????? Thats a brainstorm!
How come you never see statistics on self defense with a firearm
publicized........???????with all those guns running around..it has to
happen....Gary Kleck says his studys indicate over 2 million times a
year...or so.....
>This is not a simple issue, and won't go away by simply quoting the sayings
>of great patriots who advocated gun ownership a couple of hundred years ago.
Advocated...???? it was required....every able bodied male was required to
keep shot, powder and a weapon....for the common defense.......read some
history books.....
George Mason, who co authored the Second Amendment, wrote in the Fairfax
Militia plan the following:
...A well regulated Militia, composed of the Gentlemen, Freeholders, and
other Freemen, was necessary to protect our ancient laws and liberty from
the standing army...and we do each of us, for ourselves respectively,
promise and engage to keep a good Fire-Lock in proper Order& to furnish
Ourselves as soon as possible with, & always keep by us one Pound of
Gunpowder, four pounds of lead, one dozen gun flints, and a pair of bullet
molds, with a Cartouch Box, or Powder Horn, and a bag for balls........
>From Guns, Crime and Freedom
Wayne LaPierre
Name the only difference between our Republic.....and others who have
????? How about the Second Amendment.......try that one on for size......
>We as individual citizens haven't needed to supply our own weapons in any
>major conflict since the revolution.
Want to bet......Obviously you were not around in WWII when Moms and young
sons drilled on high school football fields with Dads shotguns and
rifles...to defend the west coast..in case the Japs invaded...
How about when the NRA collected donated weapons after Dunkirk...to give to
the Brits...when they left all their shit in France......Because the had no
small arms.........
With the exception of those foaming at
>the mouth fanatics who long for armed confrontation with the government,
>there doesn't seem to be any threat looming of it on the horizon.
Only a fool, fails to learn from the past..........
Yeah, the
>Democrats are scum bags. But guess what, so are the Republicans, and so are
>99.9% of all politicians. But, they will eventually listen to the masses. If
>enough crazy people wig out with guns, losing our right to ownership could
>become a reality.
Be prepared to fight..........or sit it out like over 90% did in the big
fight with the King.......
We won't win any points by burying our heads in the sand
>and stating that all responsibility belongs in the hands of the nut cases
>that kill.
Of course it does..You have to be kidding........I am not to blame....nor
are you....come on...thats a cop out......thats the basis of our
society....to leave alone the majority...and punish the guilty!
Of course they are responsible for their actions, but gun
>manufacturers, just like auto manufacturers have to be held to the highest
>standards of gun safety. I
Guns are safe...can you imagine...with the number of weapons in our
hands......how many people would be killed........with the anti gun
logic..and yours.......a gun show would have to be a killing ground........
as safe as anything or any other tool.....Give me a break!
f they have the ability to manufacture a safer
>weapon, than it is criminal not to do so, just based on profits.
You have been listening to Josh Sugarman too long.....
We too bear
>some responsibility, as gun owners to be able to enter the debate with open
>minds. Am I suggesting we quit, and give up our rights? No, of course not.
>But I personally feel something needs to be done to stem the tide of gun
Draconian punishment..........up front and swift....but we try to blame
someone else..."he was abused...the gun did it.......he heard his mother
and grandmother argue alot" WWWAAAAAAAAAA!
I caught one of my MP5s sneaking out not long ago..with a loaded mag.....I
scolded it and locked him up in the safe...BAD gun..Bad!
>Yes, we might even end up like our brothers in Europe and Canada.
But, having
>been stationed in Europe for 3 1/2 years, and having visited Canada on a
>number of occasions, other than their inability to speak proper English,
>don't seem like such bad places (plus you have about one-tenth the chance of
>being killed in a gun related crime).
All the people killed in gun less countries are dead...so I doubt you met
any of them at ask about gun ownership.....I wish you could
though........Hell...there were 20 million Russians alone......and of the 6
million Jews..I bet some of them wished they had been allowed to own
Chris...I feel sorry for you...live free or die....my friend.......good
luck. You would have made a great subject of the King!
>Chris DeWitt
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