Further comments shown thus(##)
>GPW engines apparently left the factory with a serial number matching the
>jeep's serial number.
## Engine number, chassis/frame, and nomenclature number alll matched on
issue from the factory.
>Willys engines were pre-numbered, and then assigned to vehicles. Probably
>the ONLY way to know if your MB engine is the factory original one for your
>MB jeep is if it is a Canadian contract jeep from 1942 as the special brass
>data plates on the dash list:
## Willys' always had engine numbers around 25000 higher than the
chassis/frame. This was the average, not the rule. The engine & frame number
never matched, by my records. The frame number should match to the
nomenclature plate number.
## Also GPW 81208 is around 2018xxxx bonnet number range.
John E.
>Subject: [MV] GPW
>>> Hi All..Just hauled a GPW home. It was titled as a 1945 Jeep. Totally
>wrong--I know. Here is what it is. Serial number on frame.... GPW
>81208(star)....there is a star stamped in where a 6th number should be.
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