Re: [MV] Marine Mule Restoration Update

jonathon (
Thu, 2 Sep 1999 20:21:24 -0500

>There are 34 little "pin bearings" that make a sort of roller affair for
>each of the drive shafts. Some are missing, and I'm concerned that I might
>not be able to find replacements.

These are not supposed to be out of the shell, if they are then replace the
bearing. These are common garden variety Torrington needle bearings
available from any industrial bearing company. There is a number (very
small) on the edge, or you can match up size from a Torrington book, or
call Grove, he has all of them.

>One of the assemblies, the left side hub (from the lifting shackle to where
>the assembly bolts on to the afore-mentioned housing is broken, cracked,
>and completely unservicable. I am going to have to replace the entire
>thing, including the guts.

Is this an -A5 and if so which hub, front or back? All these parts are
available but a rear for an -A5 should be the cheapest.

>Are there gasket kits available? I am going replace every gasket out of

Grove has complete kits as well as individual parts, and I'm sure the other
Mule people would have them as well (Monty's etc.)

>The shaft of the steering column (with the worm gear on the end) is broken.
>The rest of the steering gear assembly looks to be in great shape. Is
>there a source for the worm gear and shaft?

Are you sure it's actually broken? The long inner shaft and the short shaft
with the worm on it are in fact two seperate pieces. Steering boxes are
getting to be a problem. If you need one,I would suggest getting one if you
can and not wait to long.


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