[MV] C-Container came today.

jonathon (jemery@execpc.com)
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 23:03:51 -0600

Oh Joy,
My mobile MV storage shed just came today. After months of talking and
planning and looking and waiting I now am the proud owner of a 8'W x 9-1/2"H
x 40'L #8667 bouncing baby container. They said they would put it within
inches of where I wanted it and they were 1-1/2" off of my mark, not bad.
The guy at the IT (intermodal terminal) said that these are cheap right now.
They are ALL made in china and china is hard up for cash so they are selling
them far below what they were a year or more ago. All I have to do now as
rig a ramp at the front and my mitey mite will finally get out of the
weather, and the mule will get out of my way (or is that out of harms way??)
in the shop.

To others that have put these in, has anyone had any zoning problems? I am
not anticipating any as it is a movable non-real (i.e. not a biulding)
object, but you never know.



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