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Tom Norris schrieb:
> I am in the process of purchasing an ex- Bundeswahr radio
> truck, a Mercedes UNIMOG 404. There are several remnants
> of unit stencils and a logo decal of some sort on the front, though
> not enough of either to make an ID.
> Anyone have any info on the proper labling of a typical Bundeswehr HF
> Teletype truck? Any sources out there for modern decals and such?
> Thanks
> Tom in Manchester
In 1976 I've been a radio operator an such an UNIMOG Bundeswehr truck.
The unit markings were stenciled at the front (hood) and the rear
Try to find out, which unit it was. The unit marking must be a white
Bundeswehr vehicles have normal metal license plates like any other
vehicle in Germany, but the registration number begins with a "Y"
For example: "Y-345 877"
Later they some units got a coloured crest and they put is as a decal
on the vehicles.
I think I still have some photos of our radio Unimog. I'll have a
look if one can see the unit markings on it. I was in the first
company of the first tank reconnaissance batallion. 35 miles west
of the next Russian garrison...
Best regards from Germany
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