Congrats on getting the jeep on the road...
a few things I noticed that you and I have in common about our jeeps..
RE: the T-84 transmission is an old style tranny where 1st and reverse are
not synchronized! If you try to down shift from 2nd to 1st you risk
tearing all the teeth off. I was told by the guy that repaired mine "Never
shift into 1st or reverse until the jeep is at a complete stop" I just
rebuilt my T-84 and 2nd gear is still tempermental. there is a small rod
that prevents the shifter from accidentally engaging two gears at once..
that is why you have to always shift into neutral first and then select
your gear. it only engages from 1st to second or second and third back to
first and reverse.
Re: leaking transfer.. yes they all leak. I replaced my seals and mine
still leaked from inside the splines on the rod that connect to the front
propeller. It is hard to tell where the oil is coming from because it runs
down the outside of the flange making it look like a seal leak. I put some
silicon sealant on the splines then slid the u-joint connector onto the
splines.. still leaks but not as much.
Re: crack in the block. I have a 41 Americar engine with a crack in the
same place. I've tried sealants and JB weld on the thing and it still
slowly leaks when the engine is cold. Once the engine is warmed up and the
metal expands it seems to dissappear..
Hope this helps and good luck!
Jess Minton
1942 GPW
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