very well put, if more people were responsible for their off road activities
politicians would have less demand to do something to change the destruction
of public land. I am constantly amazed and saddened by the amounts of
garbage, trail destruction, ad-hoc campsite's, etc that i see when i travel
in the high country. you have to wonder how these people were raised.
I hope that all of you bitching about the proposed closures are doing
something to make a positive impact on both the land by cleaning up for
yourself and others who are not as responsible as the rest of us, and by
teaching your family responsible wilderness use.
given the choice between allowing those who trash the wilderness to have
continuted access, or shutting it down to preserve it i would agree to shut
it down. I won't be happy about not being able to get up into the high
country easily anymore, but i can walk in if i choose to and have a much
better chance of enjoying clean wilderness. once it goes we don't get it
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Military Vehicles List []On Behalf Of Ian
> Wallace
> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 9:04 AM
> To:
> Subject: [MV] MV Off-Road Use
> I agree with Gary. I, too, used to wander the logging roads of the
> Pacific
> Northwest, to some beautiful locations. But now we seem to have a glut
> of
> 4-wheel drive SUV's in the hands of people of all ages. These folks seem
> to
> believe it is their God given right to plow through these roads at
> terminal
> velocity (having seen how it's done on the SUV ads), colliding with
> trees,
> rocks, other SUVers and rolling over. The law enforcement officers that
> I
> deal with who have responsibility for the "back roads" have their hands
> full. These idiots have no respect for the land, or other users of this
> road
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