To continue the idea:
The erosion of one hobby sets prescedents for chipping away other hobbies, and
like the lone artillery shell vs. helicopter scenario, eventually the erosion
will result in the crumbling away of the entire infrastructure that protects and
maintains our freedoms to express ourselves as individuals, because we have
given our freedoms away through apathy, and proved to Big Government that we are
children to be coddled, sheep to be shepherded, not worthy of the trust and
confidence enjoyed by men and women of independant thought, with trust in God
and our own ability to make our fortunes... (Oh, and Heaven help you if you
should make wolf-like noises - you might frighten the sheep!)
When it comes to that, should we see the abolishment of "government, by the
people, for the people", will you use your outlawed MV to escape, with your
outlawed guns, and your outlawed ideas, and your outlawed religion?
Kinda makes you think of previous cases...
"... Playing outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes..."
The problem is, I'm not even an extremist. Heck, I TRUST our government, and I
can see this admittedly worst case scenario... The logical progression of
things when we choose not to get involved, and the politicians see the need to
"fill the gap"...
I'm not a sheep. I don't drive sheep vehicles, I don't make sheep noises, and I
don't need a government appointed shepherd - I've already got one, and HE has
graced me with certain freedoms- to keep me out of trouble.
You want to "keep 'em rolling?", then you need to get involved, stay alert, and
participate in the legislative process.
Sorry this isn't totally on topic, but it effects us just as much as talking
about MVPA politics...
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