Since as we know, only the first couple of lines of any letter, e-mail or
fax is read by the representative and then a generic response is sent out,
I suggest the following letter be sent by each member of this list and
anyone else who is concerned. As you can see, this letter requires specific
Dear Representative Spence:
I have read with interest your proposed legislation requiring the
demilitarization of certain former DoD property which is now in civilian
hands. I have been asked to take a position on your legislation however
before I can say I am for or against it, I need some information which I am
asking you to provide me by return communication.
As a tax paying and voting American, I am concerned about national
security. In this respect, I would like to know specifically how your
legislation relates to national security? I would also like to know, and
this may be covered by the same response as my former question, what is the
legislative intent behind your proposed law if not national security?
I also would like to know what fiscal impact is anticipated if/when your
proposed legislation is made into law. I can see considerable expense
involved in the enforcement of any law which comes from your legislation
and I would like to know how much might be involved. Will implementation of
any law coming from your legislation involve Federal or local persons and
most importantly, will a new level of bureaucracy be creadte and at what
Once you have provided me with answers to my above questions, I feel I will
be in an informed position and able to decide if I am for or against the
legislation you propose.
Thank you for your anticipated prompt response to this inquiry.
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