For Trade/Exchange C-42

From: Nick P. Norwood (
Date: Sat Aug 12 2000 - 10:28:26 PDT

I have available for trade one Larkspur C-42 radio installation, comewhat
unusual in that it's an original 12V unit, enabling it to be fitted to GS
vehicles (or a Ford Escort if you're that way inclined).
Comprises Tranciever, PSU (12v), Tray, J1 box (12v), D box, 1 standard
headset (tatty), 1 commanders headset plus associated leads and connectors.
Will exchange for UK military radio equipment of similar or later vinatge,
preferably manpacks/portables. HF, VHF, UHF ? whatever... Cash adjustment
possible either way but the set is NOT for sale, exchange only !

Nick in Belfast

P.S It's possible I could be tempted by other military trinkets that
wouldn't look out of place in a Series III W.H.Y ?

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