I saw a study not long ago that said 12% of the US
population thought Canada was on our southern border.
Odds are that 9% had no idea what SUV stood for.
On the darker side, one of the best explanations for a
response like that may be a quote in UNINTENDED
CONSEQUENCES by John Ross( If you have not read this
book, do so TODAY, it has a lot of background that will
help you understand what we are up against) I am giving
this from memory, but I believe it goes like this" A
whole lot of people out there work on jealousy. They see
you with something they cannot have and most likely will
never have, they will do anything they can to take what
you have, or at least get it taken from you. Give
someone like this a little power and it gets even worse"
Once again, this is done from memory but it gets the
basic idea across.
Tim Glance
Clyde, NC
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