Thanks for joining the MVPA. Welcome to the Association.
At the General Membership Meeting held during the MVPA's Convention, Lee
Holland said that there were 8927 members. Mr. Holland stressed the desire to
increase the number of MVPA members. He said that being able to say "I
represent nine thousand vehicle collectors" when speaking to people, government
representatives, and politicians does better position both himself, as the
president of the association, and the MVPA as a whole, in discussions which
affect all of us. I am sure he would prefer to say ten thousand... twelve
thousand... maybe even twenty thousand... someday.
I believe this list has 500 to 600 members. Some of the subscribers to this
list are also members of the MVPA. I would guess most are not. I hope that we
all join the greater voice. We must be unified, polite, and knowledgeable of
the issues.
I have listened to Lee Holland speak on this hobby. He does so with a
passion. He is concerned with the future of the hobby. We all should be
deeply concerned.
For the moment, I am happy to have Mr. Holland represent me in those
"face-to-face" meetings he spoke of in the MVPA general membership meeting
(with BATF, the Department of State, our Representatives, and our Senators).
Mr. Holland is focused, as he should be, on those issues that currently pose
the greatest threat to our collecting Historic Military Vehicles. Other
issues, other concerns will be addressed in time. Of course, I will still
continue to represent myself, still express my concerns regarding this hobby.
And I too, will do so with a passion.
Again, Carl, thanks for joining us.
Claude Vaughn
MVPA 1829.
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