Mil-Spec Parts Question

From: Allen Jones (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 08:53:36 PDT

This question probably doesn't apply to many of you with highly specialized
MVs who are required to use NOS or take-off parts for repair/repstoration.
In the case of an '55 M38A1, I am in the throws of a complete (I mean
complete) restoration. My question specifically pertains to hard parts such
as bearings, thrust washers, gears, etc. where I am currently overhauling
the T-18 transfer case and T-90 transmission and the question is this: does
anyone have specfic knowledge or an opinion that military/milspec parts (of
which there is an abundance of NOS parts for this particular MV) and
civilian parts are of like or similar quality (pertianing to bearings,
seals, etc.)? Please keep in mind I am referring to parts made in the US
purchased from a reputable parts retailer in the case of civilian parts. My
dilemma is that it's easier and more cost effective to buy parts locally,
however I do not want to use civilian parts if the NOS parts are *much*
better. I ask because I'm new to this MV stuff and don't know. I'd
appreciate any responses (I looked in the archives for a similar thread).

Allen in Seattle
'55 M38A1

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