M43 Door Mounted Spare Tire Carrier

From: Peter (brythnoff@jps.net)
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 20:42:58 PDT

For the esteemed listers:

-----Original Message-----
From: John Bennett
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 11:58 AM

Hey, Pete. Could you post something to the list for me? I can't post from
here. I am looking for the parts for the door mounted spare tire carrier
for my M43. All that is left now are the holes where the swingarm and the
latch were mounted. I have seen the arm for sale several places, but that
won't do me any good unless I can find the latch and other required parts.

John Bennett
MVPA #22248
1970 M35A2

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