Re: [MV] revocation of independence ;-)

From: Gavin Broad (
Date: Wed Nov 15 2000 - 18:22:03 PST

At 08:59 16/11/2000, Mike Towers wrote:
>TO: Her Majesty's Red Coats
>FROM: A Few Boys Down In the Republic of Texas
>Subject: Your "Revocation"
>Please Note:
>We've whipped your butts often enough for you to know better. And, we've
>saved your butts a time or two also. Neither were much of a problem; we were
>glad to do it.

Hmmm, not really sure which US National Interests you mean here.........

>Whereas, unlike you Subjects, we FREE men still have, among others, our
>right to keep and bear arms (which we most definitely DO down in Texas).

So free they even tax you when you work in another country!

>Furthermore, since we were thinking of loading-up the Dueces and Weapons
>Carriers and APCs (which we still have the right to own and drive) and a few
>"supplies" and running over to Florida to help the Governor out with a
>little problem over there he has with the yankees,

Democracy at work was never meant to be convenient.......

>Therefore, be it resolved: Come on down. We'll whip your butts again. Then,
>this time we'll teach you how to live and act like civilized FREE MEN, and
>perhaps of equal importance, teach you how to COOK!!!

Quick Quiz: name the only country to successfully invade the United
States? Giveaway Clue: We trashed the capital for good measure whilst we
were there...........good overture, by the way!

>Mikey of Texas
>40 miles West of San Antonio,
>the home of the Alamo and Texas LIBERTY.


International Citizen of No Fixed Abode
Proprietor (temporary): Uncle Gav's Home for Wayward Working Girls
Bangkok, Thailand
..................fadeout with loud raspberry sounds........................:-)

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