I called the guy and did some checking. He says it has a steel frame, with
hard panels. There are four small windows per side near the top. Also, not
shown in the pictures, are the plexiglass covers for the windshields and
side windows, the locking fuel cap, and a few other small items (he didn't
elaborate on these). This package comes in 2 BIG crates (read: TRUCK
FREIGHT or you pick it up in Montana) and the whole thing weighs nearly 1500
pounds. Sealed crates are dated 1971, and he has a total of four of them.
Supposedly these were made to protect NG troops and deuces responding to
anti-war demonstrations, as it appears to be designed to fend off rocks,
bottles, garbage, and sugar in the fuel tank. He did mention that these are
NOT weatherproof. Hope this helps. Ken
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