The Tank stunt in Goldeneye was driven by UKstuntman and long term MV
collector Jim Dowdall. It was I understand heavily modified to allow it to
do the "handbrake turn" but was based on a T54 or 55. They sprayed oil all
over the square in the Russian town to allow it to slide easily.We have
tried on several occassions to get the tank to Beltring but Eon Productions
wish to keep it at the studio, long term aim is I believe a Bond Museum.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 8:59 AM
Subject: [MV] Movie Stunt HMV
> Can't remember the James Bond movie name or the correct T designation
> for the Russian Tank.But the Tank speeding through Moscow,fish
> tailing,was spectacular.Well filmed and original, impressive to see.To
> be seen in Wheels and Tracks #60 is a leaping,airborne from a bank a
> T-90.From '97 in Abu Dhabi arms demonstration,Daisy Duke was not
> driving.
> Seems the A Team used up a lot of M38A1's.Always noticed the newer CJ's
> didn't flip or get banged up.Kind of like once you saw a M38A1 coming
> you knew what was to happen next.Yes I agree, some MV's were like old
> friends showing up in different shows.Each studio seemed to have it's
> collection.Good topic,anyone have experiences,MGM,had a few vehicles
> when they got rid of that lot.Didn't they do Combat?Remember the Half
> Track with the sides cut to look German?How about the HVSS Sherman they
> trotted out for a Panther,where are they today?Who supplied M.A.S.H....?
> Steve
> WC51
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