RE: Latest Purchase

Date: Mon Feb 12 2001 - 05:53:00 PST

Dear Listers.....

spent this morning with a friend who was just collecting his recent purchase.
It is a Ford Motor Co of Canada M38A1CDN.
It is an unusual model in that it is fitted with a front-mounted winch (altho
no plate on it, I would guess that it is a Ramsay winch).
The most interesting thing is that it appears to have TWO fuel-burning
heaters !!
The first one (mounted on the rear wheel arch) is a Stewart-Warner Southwind
model 978..... and somewhere, I have a photocopy of the TM for this heater.
But up front, there is a "Superfex" heater, which has a reservoir-tank under
the hood, and some kind of blower-burner contraption accessible through a
latched panel on the passenger-side front floor.
Does anyone know anything about the Superfex heater? Or anyone have a TM copy
for it?
Any help/advice/comments will be very much appreciated.

Kind regards....

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