Re: [MV] Mystery WWII Dodge WC

From: 2Roses (
Date: Wed Mar 14 2001 - 10:49:48 PST

Hi Mel and List members,

Txs for your reply Mel.

Don't jump into conclusions based on a single tag!

Very often a pile of partially damaged vehicles were stripped down to become spare parts and thereafter, the parts in a functional order were assembled to create a "brand new" unit.

As far as I know, the unit that contributed with the major part of spares, to that "brand new" vehicle, was the one giving it's identity to the "new" vehicle?

I'm still wondering if you could see two separate seats or just one "soffa" (sorry swedish word, think it's OK?) and also, I'm curious about the front bumber (s): is it in one piece, or perhaps divided in two?

Karl Rosberg

----- Original Message -----
From: "John K. Seidts" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] Mystery WWII Dodge WC

> Sorry for the re-post- fingers moving faster than the brain.
> The body tag indicates a 1942 manufactured Body built for a WC 51 or 52
> weapons carrier
> >>galvanised steeel and has been machine stamped "4290 - 21239".
> >>
> Is this for sale, and where is it located?

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