If you still have the old radiator laying around check how many rows of fins
it has versus your new one. I replaced the radiator on my 86 Town Car and
noticed the same thing, running hotter than normal and found the new
replacement had one less row of fins. Made them replace it and engine now
runs like it did before. Old one cracked return tank and I decided to
replace rather than repair.
Best of luck!!!
James Shanks
----- Original Message -----
From: j. martin <jimextwi@hotmail.com>
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <mil-veh@mil-veh.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 10:01 AM
Subject: [MV] cooling system problem
> Several months ago I replaced the radiator on My e-350 ford 91 van ( 7.3
> liter diesel ) . The radiator before it died as it had almost rotted out .
> I am noticing the new one that we put in ( the correct one according to
> book and the radiator shop ) looks as if it is running hotter than the old
> one was . The radiator is now running toward the upper end of the heat
> though still in the normal area but not by much ) We did not replace the
> thermastat at that time though I am considering doing that now . This
> is heading down to fla so i know it will be running a bit warmer there .
> According to the mechanic there is no leaks in the system and there is no
> fluid loss ect.
> Any ideas ?
> jim
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