Mark Baxter wrote:
> I smell a Federal sting going on here. Buy a live tow round and spend your
> life in Prison and not to mention the news media playing this one up. "
OK, guys, here's the deal: I've been the subject of at least two sting
attempts. Once at a gun show, a fellow comes up to me and asks if I
want to buy a de-milled .50 Cal Browning. I go out to the parking lot
to look at it, and by golly, it's not de-milled. (It's also real rusty
and crummy looking.) I also noticed there were several other people out
in the parking lot, just sort of lounging around, looking at clouds,
shuffling their feet, all about 30 feet away from the tailgate of the
camper where this guy has his .50. I told him thanks but no thanks, and
go back to the show - and on the way in, note that all the loungers get
together for a confab with the "seller" as I left.
The other sting attempt was a fellow who came by my work place several
times, selling me surplus property at real good prices. He sold me some
gun parts too, and on about the third or fourth time by the place,
offered to sell me an M-60 reciever. I told him no thanks. He was back
several times after that trying to sell an M-60, the last time, wanted
to sell me some Claymore Mines!!! Wow! I told him, *really!* I didn't
want any. Later, I asked a knowledgeable friend who this fellow was -
not telling him about the sting part - and he said that he was a gun
dealer from Montana, who got in trouble with the Feds over some
recordkeeping and lost his licence. Sounds like he plea bargained by
trying to sting some folks for the ATF.
I live about 40 miles from where Vicki Weaver was shot between the eyes
by an FBI sniper at 100 yards. Of course, he didn't realize who he was
shooting at, after all, it's pretty hard to make out details through a
20 power scope at 100 yards; and that baby she was holding could have
been a bazooka or something. The Feds are too fucking lazy to chase
real crooks, they have to go after stationery targets like us, and trump
up these damned sting operations. Then look at the whole Waco fiasco.
Again, too stupid and too lazy to chase real crooks, just go after a
bunch of religious fringe types; and then burn and bury the evidence.
It's a lot safer to shoot and kill women and babies, than for example
drug dealers who might be able to shoot back.
If someone approaches you with some contraband, it's either stolen or a
sting operation. Either way, illegal and you're going to jail. Not
worth getting involved, no matter how neat the stuff looks. If you want
to play around with live ammo, join the Guard. And when the feds knock
down your door, shoot them in the face, the cowards all wear bullet
proof vests. Take a few of the bastards with you.
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