Fwd: Dodge Power Wagon Found

From: Bob Muller (bmuller@marathonheaters.com)
Date: Thu Aug 16 2001 - 18:14:24 PDT

>A friend recently alerted me to a '52 Dodge Power Wagon someone near here
>is wanting to sell. It has a winch, A Frame for the front for lifting
>and a flatbed with a big ass gas engine welder on it. It was used by a
>town to thaw pipes until sold about ten years ago. I just have Chevys so
>I don't know much about these. Here is what I do know:
>- It's a 1952 with 84,000 miles
>- Engine is supposed to run good but has been 5-6 years since it ran.
>- Vehicle number 83932207 and MV # 25329
>- It is model B3P W-126
>- It has a winch with cable that is supposed to work fine.
>- It has a plow frame with the winch but the guy has the plow on another
>piece of equipment now.
>- I would call the body fair to good - the drivers front fender is rusted
>through but the rest seems generally Ok - some dents and smaller
>rust spots around. There is some scaling on the left frame near the back.
>- Tires are poor to fair
>- It has data plates in the cab like my WWII Chevy trucks although a
>couple are on the dash. Other than the MV# I could not find reference to
>it being a military truck. Based on the year I suspect it was built on
>military contract but any way of knowing?

>The guy doesn't know what it is worth and neither do I. If he talks to
>too many people they will start telling him that it is a rare collector
>piece and he will jack the price out of sight ( and sit on it another 10
>years). Any suggestion as to what this may be worth?? He may want to
>keep the welder so ignore it.

>I am only lukewarm on it - if this really grabs somebody, email me off
>list and maybe I can connect for you.

Bob Muller - Water Heater Innovations, Inc
Voice (518)872-1002 Fax (518)872-1012

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