Folks..I know there is a lot of off the wall stuff here lately..but, I have
a situation here that you all need to know about.
There is a fella in Austrailia that was buying some Weasel tracks from a
guy in Arizona.. He needed shipping help to get them to California to a drop
off point so as to be shipped to Darcy Miller in Austrailia..
Well , this low life snake in Arizona has taken the money from the guy in
Austrailia and now refuses to do any more communicating with anyone on the
matter. His name is Chuck Haynes..66 N.B. St..Virginia City, Nevada..
775-847-9064/742-3733. The man is a snake..if anyone knows this creep, let
me know. I tried emailing the creep - but he has blocked his mail or
something. Guys..we don't need people like this in our community. Anyone in
Arizona that can help in any legal me. I hate
thieves..especially when they steal from "our own"... We need to put this
guy Haynes in his place..Gene
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