Re: [MV] Terrorist Attack

From: Daniel Terp (
Date: Tue Sep 11 2001 - 16:12:49 PDT

>Hello Daniel:
>Do you think that the people who did this had guns ?
>I'm sure you know the answer to that question also.
>Thank you,
>Pat in NJ

Sorry, but I don't know that, and neither do you.
Any large man with combat hand-to-hand training could kick his way
through a cockpit door and overpower a pilot.

No pilot is going to resist with the controls in his hands, and it
would be much easier to get through airport security without a gun.

And arming the passengers wouldn't help. either, all they need is a
man at the back of the plane with an UZI. Shoot everybody, They're
all going to die anyway. These guys planned this to the hilt, you
think they didn't figure on a cop or a Secret Service guy maybe being
on the plane?

You can have all your Die Hard - Steven Segal fantasies, but in the
real world an idiot with a gun is just a dead idiot.

There are a lot more idiots out there than criminals.

I prefer to keep the guns in the hands of people who know how and when
to use them.

And for all you guys with dreams of fighting off the commies coming
over the hill, remember-

By the time they get to you, they've gotten through stealth bombers,
armored divisions, seventeen aircraft carrier groups and Trident subs
with nuclear attack capability.

Think they're going to scared by your twelve-gauge and WWII APC?

Not likely.

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