Re: [MV] WTC building design

From: J. Forster (
Date: Wed Sep 12 2001 - 16:40:57 PDT

If the building was designed to withstand an aircraft impact, did the designers
assume the aircraft would arrive with empty fuel tanks?


Daniel Terp wrote:

> On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 23:45:20 -0400, you wrote:
> >"After the 1993 trade center bombing, one of the engineers who worked on the
> >towers' structural design in the 1960's claimed that each one had been built to
> >withstand the impact of a fully loaded, fully fueled Boeing 707, then the
> >heaviest aircraft flying."
> It wasn't the impact that collapsed the building, it was the heat from
> the burning fuel. They say it got to over 1600 degrees and melted the
> steel frame.
> If the fuel hadn't caught fire, the buildings would still be standing.

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