Fw: (OT) General Patton Speaks

From: Royce C Hayes (rc_hayes1@juno.com)
Date: Fri Sep 14 2001 - 19:52:09 PDT

Please Note: The following contains bad language. If you do not wish
to read, please delete now.

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Angel Shamaya" <Director@KeepAndBearArms.com>

I'm appreciating the prayers taking place greatly. The courage being
exhibited is filling my soul and strengthening my resolve.

But Patton's speech on 9-11-2001 is much more reflective of how I'm


General Patton Responds to Attack on America
September 11, 2001

Transcript of General Patton's speech given off the cuff, thirty minutes
after the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center went down in a
heap of rubble. This speech was broadcast on all major television and
radio networks with the General in full uniform and smoking his cigar.
Be sure you also read General Patton's speech to the Third Army in
June of 1944.


Before I begin telling you what we're going to do to the people who
just killed tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters, I think you
should know that the President has suspended FCC regulations on
what I can say and how I can say it. You've got exactly 15 seconds to
turn off your radio or television if that's going to be a problem for
You've been warned. Georgie Patton is about to speak freely and tell
you exactly what has happened and what will happen in the coming

<... ten second pause ...>

I love and hate what I'm about to tell you. I hate it because we'd all
rather be living our lives in the best country in the world, free from
the cruel acts of cowards. I love it because I'm happy to announce the
coming destruction of evil itself like never before in history.

First and foremost, God Bless America. Period. If you have a problem
with that, turn your television off and kiss my ass. And I don't care
what name you call God either. That's a personal matter. As long as
your God knows that what was done in New York City today was
wrong and must be avenged so it doesn't happen again, your God is
my God anyway, and the rest is detail we can deal with on our own.
And if your God tells you that what was done in New York City today
was right and justifiable, he can kiss my ass too. Screw him. That's a
God of darkness, and he can eat shit and die like a lot of his followers
are about to.

Enough about God. He's right here with every last one of us, now and
continuously, and that's why we will prevail. When you hear me take
the Lord's name in vain, you just be sure you know I mean it.

To the hundreds of thousands of people who lost a loved one today,
all I can say is I'm hurting with you. Deep down. My pain is hotter
than any fire an exploding plane could make and it's about to rain
down like a hurricane on the people who hurt us today. We're gonna
send them to that bastard in Hell they worship until they're so
defeated a grain of sand is their superior!

Goddamn the people responsible for today's death and destruction --
and anyone who supports them, in ANY way -- to everlasting Hell!
So grieve all you need to and cry it out. Scream it out. But when you
do, let it burn a Resolution deep into your soul not only that their
deaths be made to stand for something, but that we're going to put an
end to this insanity for all time. It's time for some world peace, and
you can't have world peace without getting rid of the worthless
sociopathic wretches -- chronic, deranged lunatics -- who launch war
for no good reason.

All these people talking about 'for the children' are about to see some
serious, bloodthirsty, relentless ass kicking for the children, all
Before we're done, we're going to feed a few terrorists' hearts to our
dogs. We're gonna feed their testicles to our dogs. If they don't do
exactly what we tell them, we'll feed their children to our dogs, too.
War is bloody business. And make no mistake about it, it IS a business
-- and these sorry sonsofbitches are about to experience a hostile
fucking takeover. Every last sorry piece of worthless goddamn crap
who launches terrorist attacks in this entire world is about to eat
American shit, die, go to Hell, and they can sit right next to that piece

of whorecrap they imagine to be God. Their pain is going to make our
pain look like a bump on the fucking knee!

<smiling> The network manager just told me something interesting.
He's holding up a sign that says "Viewer Rate Skyrocketing!" They
expected people to tune out, but more people are tuning in. Good!
Welcome to the Terrorist Ass Fry. We're about to make some mass
murderer dogfood!

But let's not lose objectivity. We need to take the death and
destruction we're about to cause very seriously. Nobody knows how
many people we're about to kill. That depends on the Terrorist
Nations' leaders and how soon they want to go to Hell and how much
they care -- IF they care at all -- about the poor bastards who are their

people. But judging from what I've seen today, these lowlife ratshit-
eating cowards WANT to die, and I expect we're about to be their
jihad Santa Claus to the tune of millions. Maybe many millions. As
many as it takes to make sure this cannot happen again, and I won't
give a thimblefull of sweat if that means every last one of 'em. The
more of 'em we kill, the better off the next few generations will be,
and that's what the Hellstorm we're about to create is for: the future
children, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and elders of
America and the rest of the civilized world.

Now I don't get to call the shots here, or there'd be a few more parts of

this speech today, and I stand behind what the President does as long
as we force an unconditional surrender of the Terrorist Nations, but I
do believe it's time to set some very clear, solid, "no negotiations
whatsoever" terms for these woman-killing, lower-than-goatpiss
murderers who just picked a fight with the wrong people. And I'm
going to tell you what I've recommended to the President -- in very
simple terms, so the colonels can understand it. <smiling>

First, we need to kill somebody soon. Today would be my preference.
Let's just pick the meanest sonofabitch we all know and hate and turn
him and everything around him into terrorist paste. I don't give a damn
which one of those rotten bastards it is, either. We know which
specific terrorist groups are a menace to the entire free world. Let's
starting cutting their throats with a fury nobody has really ever
imagined, let alone lived. That ugly piece of crap Saddam Hussein is
my first choice, because I hate his goddamned guts and want to kill
him myself with my bare hands after I personally castrate him. Let's
just make it snappy so these Hellbound bastards can soil their
cowardly pants wondering who's next.

Then, we give a two-hour warning before our next target gets
mushroomed to Allah or whoever they think made them so
goddamned depraved. The only way to avoid Boom #2 is for ALL
terrorist nations to unconditionally surrender to the Liberty Force
Alliance comprised of us and whoever is smart enough to be on our
side. The NSA and the CIA can sanction the list of which of the
bastards need immediate conversion under the International Bill of
Rights, modeled after our Bill of Rights. Our obvious allies can
certainly be a part of the listmaking team, of course. We can even be
political about it and tell that wimp at the United Nations we'd like his

blessing if it makes everybody feel better about America being who we
are: THE Superpower. I don't really give a damn, as long as the five
leading terrorist nations that attack without any sane provocation are
on the list, and as long as one of them is already a hole in the ground
when the list is televised.

When those two hours are up, whichever ones haven't surrendered get
their most cherished cities reduced to snot -- one every ten minutes.
As an act of generosity and because we're friendly people, we can play
with the timeframes I've mentioned a little bit, but not much. Then, we
insist that the leader of any of these toilets still left standing turn
himself in immediately so we can start teaching his people what
Liberty is all about. There are plenty of us here in America that seem
to want a one world government dictated by an international Socialist
whore, and there are quite a few card-carrying members of the
Communist Party here, too. Let all of those stupid non-Americans go
help rebuild and see how they like what their kind have created.
And all you "Palestinian-Americans" and "Libyan-Americans" and
"Afghani-Americans" and other Terrorist-Nation-Americans had better
decide right now which side of that hyphen you are on. If you're on
the left side, you'd best get your ass on a plane. If you're on the right

side, you'd better start being an AMERICAN and meaning it. Sowing
any seeds of anti-American woe about the mass murderers we're about
to exterminate will not produce a result that that you find pleasurable.
And if you fly a Terrorist Nation flag on American soil, if I had my
way, you'd be shot several times and left to rot. That flag is about to
be vanquished from history, and you're advised to come to grips with
that fact right this minute.

To summarize, we need to kill as many of these bastards as it takes to
make them surrender so fully their nations' names no longer mean jack
shit, and we need to get to it immediately. Sitting around without
killing some people is for cowards and fools, and our enemy knows
that, and he's watching. Every minute we wait gives him boldness. We
will not let him gain boldness, we will reduce him until he begs us to
destroy him or he sees the light and realizes that we are his Liberator
from the ignorant and evil ways he's been living and killing and dying.
All these media whores telling you this is a new kind of war can kiss
my ass. War is about ki

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