I like it, well done!
Shall I send it to my two senators? Chuck Schumer and
Hillary Clinton.
--- Royce C Hayes <rc_hayes1@juno.com> wrote:
> My letter to my congress critters.
> Dear Senator Hutchison,
> Contrary to the popular wisdom of our Government, I
> am proposing that the
> Federal Government take steps to deter terrorism by
> allowing properly
> trained, licensed and security checked citizens to
> carry concealed
> weapons any where in the USA, whether on the land or
> in the air.
> It is proven, by the actions of terrorist in the
> last few days, that
> disarming all the law abiding citizens does not stop
> terrorists for doing
> their dastardly deeds.
> I would propose that ONLY citizens with NO history
> of arrests,
> convictions, mental disorders, alcohol or drug
> abuse, also to be included
> would be ex military with an honorable discharge,
> prior or recent
> security clearances, law enforcement or prior law
> enforcement with a
> clean record, would be allowed to carry.
> I would also propose that in secured areas that an
> Instant FBI check be
> carried out to insure that the person being
> represented is in fact that
> person.
> The US Government does not and can not have enough
> personal to protect
> all the citizens of the US. The only way I could
> see that is if the
> Government would put armed military personal in each
> plane, train, bus,
> and every other form of public transportation in the
> US. This seem
> impractical to me.
> Personally, I have more confidence in myself to be
> my own protector, if
> properly armed.
> Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
> Royce C. Hayes
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