yes there was/is a maker in fl. making/made m151 clones
the sheet syeel is haveyer and it is stick/mig welded not spot welded
so not as bad rusting
and thay use m151 power packs and diff's or diff that look like the ones
in the m151s
24 volt and all
sounded like a neat truck
At 04:14 AM 10/17/01 +0000, Wayne Harris wrote:
>Hi List This jeep is in Folkston Ga. at the Ford dealership and according
>to the salesman it belongs to the General Manger and wasn't for sale. A
>short history of what I know. When I first saw these(about a year or so
>ago) they had two for sale and when I stopped in to see them They told me
>a company in Florida was building the frames and bodies and then using
>some used/new part to complete them in the shape you see now and the best
>I recall they were about 13,000 ea. Wayne
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